Systematic Literature Review: Trends in Japanese Pronouns Research
Kata Kunci:
Bibliometric analysis; Japanese, Pronouns, Research trends, Systematic literature reviewAbstrak
This study examines research trends on Japanese pronouns from 1994 to 2024 using a systematic literature review and bibliometric approach. The software used were PoP (Publish or Perish) and VOSviewer by drawing data from Google Scholar. The study focused on words and phrases appearing at least five times in the titles and abstracts of 180 research articles, identifying 718 words/phrases, 29 of which were interrelated. After manual selection, 28 relevant words/phrases categorized into six clusters. Network visualization helped explore the relationships between these topics, revealing six clusters with varying connectivity. Research on Japanese pronouns peaked between 2004 and 2014, with the latest studies focusing on specific subtopics. The density visualization showed that topics with red hues had been thoroughly researched, while lighter hues indicated under-explored areas.Topics such as acquisition, comparison, indeterminate pronouns, and Japanese zero pronouns were recognized as under-researched. Future research may focus on these under-explored topics to improve understanding and expand the overall knowledge.
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