Empowering Education: Integrating Critical Pedagogy into Transformative Teaching Strategies
Critical Pedagogy, Educational Empowerment, Teaching StrategiesAbstract
The objective of this study is to explore the implications and effectiveness of critical pedagogy in fostering social justice and empowering students in educational settings. The gap in understanding on how critical pedagogy can advance social justice and empower students in learning. 21st-century skills and teaching strategies are connected to critical pedagogy approaches that promote skills such as critical thinking and collaboration. Teaching strategies integrated with critical pedagogy encourage student-centered learning and active participation, preparing students to critically and independently address the demands of the modern era in advocating for social justice. This research adopts a qualitative approach, employing literature review to examine the implementation and outcomes of critical pedagogy in various educational contexts The study findings reveal that critical pedagogy serves as a powerful tool for challenging societal norms, empowering marginalized individuals, and promoting social justice within educational settings. Through student-centered learning, collaborative problem-solving, and the development of 21st-century skills, critical pedagogy equips students with the tools and mindset necessary to critically evaluate their surroundings and take action to address oppressive conditions in society. Furthermore, the research highlights the pivotal role of teachers in facilitating critical inquiry, fostering dialogue, and promoting social justice within the classroom. By engaging in self-reflection and transformative practice, educators can create inclusive learning environments that empower students to become active agents in their education and advocates for positive change in society.
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